Do you have:
  • Cold radiators?
  • Noisy boiler?
  • High fuel bills?
We can help you! Read on...
PowerFlushUK Logo

Based at:
Manor Cottage, Church Lane, Arnesby,
Leicester, LE8 5UU
and at:

Georges Road, Islington, London N7
Tel: 0116 2478791 or 07738 356432

PowerFlushUK customers are able to pay by debit and credit cards.
debit cards

Ask Power Flush UK for a quotation

Complete the form below for a personalised quotation for your system - the more information you can give, the more accurate our quote will be.
If you're not sure about describing your problem, send just your phone number or email address
or just give Bob a ring now on 07738 356432
Your details:
Title:  Name:  
Telephone:  email: 
Address (Post code only at this stage if you prefer):
What are the problems you are experiencing?
About your home and your heating system:
I live in a and my central

heating system is years old.

My boiler uses and

it is

The size/output of the boiler is

How many radiators do you have?

Are thermostatic radiator valves fitted?

We will need to use a garden hose - do you have somewhere to connect this to?

Is there room to park a small van?

Please give any other details that might help us diagnose the problem.
How would you like us to contact you? ,  or

PF(UK) ltd    t/a      Company number 6507323